Sensor-Based HCI Systems

Appliences and smart object are tedium objects, which are equipped with sensors and wireless communication and are ideally able to supply services based on implicit interaction, without ecplicit input of the user by this. Concerning this the systems must be able to access and progress sensordata. Therewith users are able to understand the functionality of an device even without any explicit user interface, the objects and interaction processes has to be chosen and designed in the way users understand it intuitively. In practical course methods of the sensor-based HCI are acquired in the form of small projects. The students are learning to design and implemtnsAppliances, such as finding and applying adaptive interaction methods and evaluate them in focus on the usability. The practical tasks will take place in current scientific workings. If possible a participation on a scientific demonstration or competition is aimed at. The paricipants are supported during the projects by scientific employees.

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