Current Semester
You can find here a information about the current semester.

Research and Study Area
Lectures in Winter Term
- Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp, Lecture, Master, 2SWS)
- Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things (Lecture, Bachelor, 3SWS)
Lectures in Summer Term
- Wearable Robotic Technologies (Lecture, Bachelor, 2SWS)
- Context Sensitive Systems (Lecture, Master, 2SWS)
- Human-Computer-Interaction (Lecture, Master, 3SWS)
Events in every Term
- Proseminar Mobile Computing (Bachelor)
- Proseminar: Designing and Conducting Experimental Studies (Proseminar, Bachelor)
- Seminar Ubiquitous Systems
- Seminar: Designing and Conducting Experimental Studies (Seminar, Master)
- Praxis der Forschung
Weitere Informationen über Bachelor-, Master- Arbeit können auf der Teco Website gefunden werden.
Informationen über Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen im Ausland können hier gefunden werden.
More information about the Bachelor-, Master- Thesis you can find in Teco Website.
Information on the recognition of examination results can be found under Recognition of examination results for students abroad.