Context-Sensitive Systems |
Vorlesung (V) |
SS 2014 |
Human-Computer-Interaction |
Vorlesung (V) |
SS 2014 |
PSE: Mobile App for housekeeping-energy-bets |
Praxis der Softwareentwicklung (PSE) |
Sommersemester 2014 |
Praktikum: Context-sensitive ubiquitary information-systems |
Praktikum (P) |
SS 2014 |
Praktikum: Sensorbasierte HCI Systeme |
Praktikum (P) |
SS 2014 |
Proseminar: Mobile Computing |
Proseminar (PS) |
SS 2014 |
Reading Group: Context-Sensitive Systems |
Vorlesung (V) |
SS 2014 |
Reading Group: Human-Computer-Interaction |
Vorlesung (V) |
SS 2014 |
Research Practice: Mobile and Pervasive Computing, part 2 |
Projektgruppe (Pg) |
SS 2014 |
Research practice: Mobile and Pervasive Computing, part 1 |
Projektgruppe (Pg) |
SS 2014 |
Seminar: ubiquitary systems |
Seminar (S) |
SS 2014 |
Wearable Technologies |
Vorlesung (V) |
SS 2014 |
50.34, room -102